What is Anger Management

Anger Management is a valuable skill which can be used to help you recognize the triggers that make you angry and grant you the ability to make the right choice or decisions, in a positive way, when you are addressing anger. Anger management can help you to constructively use anger so as to channel your energy (or that adrenaline rush) into productive thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Addressing Anger with Anger Management

If you realize that you have an anger issue, the techniques used in anger management can help you track your anger; learn to cope with your anger; regulate your feelings, and help you make proper decisions. Anger management techniques can help you to handle your anger and consequently improve your quality of life and overall health.

Anger management techniques has helped many people do just this and it will do the same for you. Anger management techniques are especially beneficial for people who suffer from a range of anger-related illnesses, such as high blood pressure and heart problems. The techniques are also beneficial to those who are at a high risk of suffering from these same anger-related illnesses. There are also a small number of people who are biologically prone to anger.

Under stress your body releases high levels of cortisol, one of the hormones secreted in response to stress. As a result the hippoccampus, a part of the brain that stores memories with appropriate emotions, shrinks and you are more prone to recall angry moments habitually. This habitual preoccupation with anger keeps the nervous system sensitive and your anger is easily provoked. Again, anger management can help you restore your damaged hippoccampus.

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Anger Management Techniques

Anger management techniques can be learnt on your own or with a mental health counselor. There are a number of self-help techniques that can be very effective, some of these techniques include physical exercise, relaxation training, breathing exercises, and writing a diary. A mental health counselor uses models or a combination of models in their sessions. Some of these models are: therapeutic models, cognitive therapy, and gestalt therapy.

In conclusion, anger management can help you develop a standard for the effective use of your anger and assertiveness. You learn to control your emotions that could greatly improve the manner in which you interact with others and handle conflict. Above all, your mind will be more at peace and you will have a better perspective of your own strengths and weaknesses.

Articles in this series:

That disturbing emotion called Anger
Is there such a thing as healthy anger
Do I have anger issues
Simple anger test
Facial displays of anger
Linking diet and antisocial behaviour
Methods and techniques of Anger Management
What is anger management
Quenching anger before it becomes destructive
Coping with the roadblocks of life
What triggers your anger bug
Teaching children anger management skills
When others are mad at you
“Stop anger, be happy”
“A Poison Tree” by William Blake

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