Today the price of food keeps rising and it is becoming harder and harder to eating healthy on a budget. So here are some tips on serving healthy food on a budget.
Tips on eating healthy on a budget
1. Eliminate junk food and do your shopping without the children. This will ensure you buy the foods you really need and not the junk food. Kids love to pick up snacks while you shop. If you must include them in your shopping, we suggest you use the opportunity to teach them more about healthy eating and choices. Have a conversation with the kids before you leave to the supermarket. Bring them on board to being responsible for their health.

2. Drink water or milk instead of soft drinks and you will be able to ensure you and your children get the required nutrients and less sugar. The family will have healthier teeth and bones.
3. Buy fruits in quantity and freeze any extras. Some frozen fruits are perfect to make smoothies or sorbet.
4. Buy meats and beans as they offer you quality protein at a great price.
5. Substitute beans for meats frequently so you buy less meat and still get the required daily protein. Also, there are several varieties available so you don’t get bored with one type.
Note: The USDA recommends eating beans at least 4 times per week. If you experience gas after eating beans you should try washing them, covering them with water, bringing the water to a boil, then draining it off and refilling the pot.
6. Buy fish, regularly. It complements the diet with its omega-3 and offers a healthy balance with the consumption of vegetable oil.
7. Peanut butter is great way to get proteins at a low cost and served in sandwiches instead of hot dogs. It also don’t need to be refrigerated for weeks.
8. Buy foods that have a high content of water such as watermelon, salads, and even sugar free gelatin are all great examples.
9. Buy generic products. Brand products carry a higher cost than generic products.
10. Buy more locally grown fruits which will be cheaper than imported fruits.
There you have it, eating healthy for just a few bucks.
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