Welcome to Simply Trini Cooking – Trini Cooking At it’s Best

Hello and welcome to my blog. It is such a pleasure to talk about trini cooking and meet others who are interested in the same. That is why I started this blog. Trini cooking is so diverse that one could never get bored with the many menus available, just like the many cultures and peoples that make up the beautiful twin-island state of Trinidad and Tobago.
Lately, I have been surfing the internet looking for anything that is of trini cooking and I have been disappointed. I know there are many Trinidadians (like myself), West Indians, and West Indian cuisine enthusiasts who are searching for these fabulously delicious cuisines and are exhausted and confused as to their absence.

Learn Authentic Trini Cooking Right Here

I hope this blog will help fill that void. I also hope this blog will serve as an archive for our many Trinidadian recipes that I, and many Trinidadians (home and abroad), have grown so accustomed to.

My passion for trini dishes have led me to collect many recipes used across the two islands, but I do not think I know all. There are many unwritten trini recipes, and if you know any ,you are welcome to contribute them to the blog, all for the greater good. I do hope to make new friends as I continue this journey.


A Wonderful Homemade Five Finger Wine

10 thoughts on “Welcome to Simply Trini Cooking – Trini Cooking At it’s Best”

  1. I love what you are doing by sharing these wonderful recipes.
    May you please post a ockra and saltfish recipe, which happens to be one of favorites.

    Thank you, Keep the post coming.

  2. I found your blog last week while looking for a recipe for coo-coo. As a Trini living in the US you brought me much joy. I am so inspired to make all these things!Keep up the excellent work.

  3. Take a big bow my new best friend Mr. Felix Padilla! Thank you so much for your dedication to our Trini culture and many delicious and delightful dishes! Not many things excites me this much! But your Blog-site and Recipes truly makes my day, everyday! I am considered to be a very good cook, but I simply do not know how to make all these tantalising and delectable dishes you illustrate on here! I am Trini/American and my hubby is French Canadian/Italian! He loves Trini dishes, even the ‘mother-in-law’ spicy hot dishes as well! We both love you so much, we consider you family! I intend to share this site with all I come in contact with! I am absolutely confident that they will love your wonderful, exciting, provocative dishes, tips, and great humour! Love your website! Keep up the EXCELLENT work! Wish I had found you sooner! But I count my Blessings! Better late than never! You are the Best! My taste buds think so too! May God continue to Bless you my dear friend Felix! I am sooo proud of you, and your sincere contribution! Bon Appetit!

  4. Thank you very much for these great recipes and for also making cooking easier and more simplified.
    Can you please publish recipes using tofu and soya.
    I am vegetarian and don’t use fish nor eggs.
    Also if a recipe you publish calls for eggs, can you please indicate its substitution.
    Thanks and wishing you continued success!!!

    1. Hi V,

      I’ll have to be real and explain a little more of the background to posting the recipes…. These recipes are day to day cooking at my home. Every recipe post you see published ends up being my breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s not recipes being done just for the fun of it.. Since this is as real as it gets, I’ll have to schedule those types of meals into my diet and, honestly, I’m not a vegetarian. However, I will make an attempt at your requests. Hope you understand.

  5. Mr. Felix,

    How are you? Jus a lil reminder, I am stilll awaiting my tofu and soya recipes!!!!!!!
    Wanted to get them from “d professional cook”!!!!!

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