The Sweet Goodness of Pommerac Chow

Need I say anything about how Pommerac tastes or about pommerac chow? Every Trini and perhaps anyone from the West Indies must have some recollection of how a good pommerac tastes, especially when the fruit is freshly picked. Ah! That semi fibrous, watery, sweet goodness: it doesn't get any better than this…

The Pommerac Fruit

Pommerac was an abundant fruit at home. We had the “normal” red one and also a “Chinee” Pommerac tree in the yard: the white pommerac with pink stripes (or was it the other way around?) was truly sought after when the tree bore fruit. Sometime the tree would be so laden that branches would bow from the weight of the ripening fruit. But, we didn't mind since we were always readily available to help lessen the overbearing weight on those helpless thin branches. It was a pleasure to be of service.  Lol!

On another related note, I remembered once, I went by my aunt whose pommerac tree was so laden those red pommerac were turning purple from being over ripe. All I can say is that when I was finished with that tree my tongue was purple lol!…

OK! back to the Pommerac Chow story….

A Pommerac Chow Story

With chadon beni growing wild in the yard with a few bird pepper trees around the house always in bloom and with plenty bird peppers ( never planted them either) a good pommerac chow was the order of the day, especially when the fruit was in season. None went to waste because the over ripe ones were used to make pommerac wine another favourite of mine around Christmas time.

A Delicious Ponche De Crème

Anyhow, here I was in the sweltering heat of the day with nothing to do, eying the pommerac in a bowl ( there was a nice, big rosy one) on the counter when I remembered that we didn't post pommerac chow as yet, so off I went in the yard to get some chadon beni leaves to make some chow. Nothing like some heat to cool yourself…l0l!

Isn't that an oxymoron! How could heat make you cool? Well, To find out you will have to make some pommerac chow with plenty pepper and don't forget to drink some of the sauce too :-D. The sauce is the best part of the chow: ask anybody!

Here's Pommerac Chow. Experience the fruity heat!

The Pommerac Chow Recipe

pommerac chow
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15 pommerac, diced
12 chadon beni, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 tsp. salt
pepper to taste
2 tbsp. water ( for sauce…must have sauce!)


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Wash the Pommerac.

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Yeah, ah know, this one nearly didn't make de chow. It nice and big eh? 😀

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Chop the chadon beni finely and mince the garlic. Set aside.

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Cut the Pommerac in half lengthwise and remove the seed.

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Then dice or cut into bite size pieces.

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Add the chadon beni, garlic, salt

and pepper to taste ( in my case that would be 1 hot pepper lol!)
Add the water and mix thoroughly. Serve.

By now you should be sweating on your nose, and your tongue and ears should be on fire but don't cry hahaha! It's all good. Sweating from all that pepper will surely cool you down….That's how heat can cool you down on those hot days.

Another Amazing Dish: Rice and Dhal and Fry Jashwa (Fry Dry)

Have a glass of water, you deserve it, and get ready for another recipe.

“I wonder which one to post for them?” Stick around to find out…

Ah gone!

See you tomorrow please God! —-> (You know how long I eh say that?)  And do enjoy your pommerac chow.

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Pommerac Chow

Course Appetizers
Cuisine Caribbean
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 4
Author Felix


  • 15 pommerac diced (rose apple)
  • 12 chadon beni chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 1/2 tsp. salt
  • Pepper to taste
  • 2 tbsp. water for sauce


  • Wash the Pommerac. Chop the chadon beni finely and mince the garlic. Set aside.
  • Cut the Pommerac in half lengthwise and remove the seed then dice or cut into bite size pieces.
  • Add the chadon beni, garlic, salt, and pepper to taste.
  • Add the water and mix thoroughly. Serve.

7 thoughts on “The Sweet Goodness of Pommerac Chow”

  1. You are such a captivating writer!
    Your story brought back some almost forgotten memories.
    I must find a place in Mississauga that sells pommerac and reminisce.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. We’re on the same wavelength, I made this just Saturday. One big grin came across my face when I saw it featured. Mine had to have less chadon beni though since my husband is not a fan…steups lol. Was still very tasty. The hot pepper really hits the spot!

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